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IPExchange employs blockchain technology and smart contracts to ensure the security and transparency of intellectual property transactions. Blockchain technology provides a decentralized and immutable ledger, while smart contracts automate the execution of license agreements, ensuring that all parties adhere to the agreed-upon terms. Additionally, digital identity verification measures are implemented to ensure that only authorized parties can access patents and participate in transactions, enhancing security.
Yes, you can still list your intellectual property on IPExchange even if it’s currently pending approval for a patent. Simply indicate the patent’s current stage in the listing details. However, it’s essential to ensure that you have the necessary ownership or authorization rights to license the intellectual property before listing it on the platform.
IPExchange are determined by the terms set by the IP holder (seller) during the listing process. The royalty rate is typically expressed as a percentage of the licensee’s (buyer’s) revenue generated from the use of the patented technology. IPExchange facilitates transparent negotiations between sellers and buyers, allowing them to agree upon mutually beneficial royalty rates as part of the licensing agreement.
Currently, IPExchange is working on integration of web3 currencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC). These cryptocurrencies will provide a secure and efficient means of conducting transactions on the platform. As the platform evolves, additional cryptocurrencies may be integrated based on user demand and market trends.